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name of country or city

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sheeshee | 19:05 Thu 05th Feb 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
1 clue, boot with arrow pointing to the sole

2 .. taxi with UL

3 .. duke of edinburgh with fir trees

4 .. GAB with an empty square

5 a block with FAT written on

6 .. a carrier bag with PA

7 ..a bell and i will give you an A+ written



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3. the Philippines
5. Greece
1. Seoul (S. Korea)
6. Baghdad
7. A long shot....I'm thinking Belarus. it's tenuous but
bel(l) + A+ r (writing = one of 3 r's)+ bell and I = us.
Probably totally wrong :-)
7. Belgrade?
JMR27...thanks for putting me out of my misery :-)

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