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food & drink related.

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murieljohn | 10:33 Mon 09th Mar 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Try not to break these sweet veg?


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Do you put all of your questions under general titles or can't you bring yourself to mention the woords "Boobs & Brass" from whose quiz this question is taken?

Give some credit where it's due.
Question Author
Dear QuizmasterG
I am very offended by your remarks being disabled and housebound doing some of the A/B quiz�s pass away many boring hours I spend many hours looking for answers if all you can do is criticise don�t know why I bother.
I am sorry if you are offended, please be assured that was never my intention.

I always suggest that when asking a question that the quiz is mentioned by name (possibly generating more interest for the quiz) rather than just under some generic title.

Keep quizzing please!

Sugar snap peas?

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food & drink related.

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