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gk telegraph crossword 25,876

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hideaway | 18:15 Sat 14th Mar 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
3d president's one association with Ruth 7 letters
p_ _ _ _ _g

7d in French class, music that's encoded
2 & 5 letters _ _ _l_i_

10a second present 7 letters _n_ _ _n_

27a notable burden 7 letters _e_r_i_

thank you


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3d Pitying - P(res) + i (1) + tying (assoc) - Ruth means 'pity'
7d En cl-air
10a Instant
27a Refrain - "...a burden, a line or phrase recurring, esp. at the end of a stanza, the music of such a burden"
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Thanks, Lie-in King - you certainly know your stuff!

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gk telegraph crossword 25,876

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