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Rhyming Phrases

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Ladymojo | 13:46 Fri 20th Mar 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
1 A Dance

2. Mutton Broth

3. Noisy Group

4. Shampoo and Set

5. Kind of Pudding

6. He wont take chances

Any help much appreciated, Thankyou.


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6 Steady Eddie.
Question Author
Thankyou another-view but I put Steady Eddie for another one - A tolerant lad? what do you think?
3 loud crowd
5 Roly Poly
3 loud crowd?
1 Hokey Cokey
1 Hokey Cokey
1 hokey cokey
2 Ewe Stew ??
1 can can?
2 hot pot
2 is either hodge podge or hotch potch. Both are corect.
4 hair care?
4. Hair care
Question Author
Thankyou to everyone who has helped with this quiz. Have a nice weekend. x

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Rhyming Phrases

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