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no-knowledge | 23:37 Mon 23rd Mar 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
36 Answers
anagram ......baab......... swedish pop band ?????



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You are joking Abba
how many letters no k ?
baba you have any of the letters ?
Far too difficult for this section ... try chatterbank! ;O)
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it's one of those that if you know it it's easy but if you don't it's very tricky.
Here's one for you no-knowledge: 2U
johnalex-can you not wait till we get no k's one first
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ah that ones easy johnalex

nothing compares _ _ sinead o' connor?
Are you sure the letters are right, that second B looks a bit dodgy to me
Nice one No-knowledge. You've hit the level of this site spot-on! Should keep them guessing for a while.
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maybe that's what is throwing me rosetta
if it isnt a b-as it seems it shouldnt be-wonder what it is then
This's very difficult noknow. Abab? never heard of them though.
evening all mm does this explain your username!!!!
But he's set a puzzler here pink! : )
I keep wanting to say Ahab but thats not quite right is it. Oh well back to the drawing room!

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