It could still be Ratchet. Yet, just wanted to make the point about Quizmonkey as he just loves to be negative as does Smouse even though, goodness knows why have helped her out on other posts. Would rather be in Bea's world- as am popular, am polite, assertive to people who need to be assertive towards ( no doormat + like to be an advocate for others) + am unapologetically an optomist as well as kind ( kind to everyone with a sweet heart) so Bea's world is pretty good. Do not tolerate intellectual snobs, anyone catty or anyone foolish here on AB or anywhere else as they need to either be put in their place from time to time or ignored. Mickeymoos you have a v good point :-) actually.
Warmest wishes to all the lovely posters here, hugs,
Bea :-)