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obsessed | 11:26 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
There are no number of letters given, but I need a clue as to the first part of the question to see if I am on the right track.
37 Put b in white oak, he conquered

Any help would be much appreciated


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Here's a clue; Just get the surname, thats easy peasy; the christian name will then automatically spring to mind and will give you also the word for white oak. Hope this helps.
I've been thinking about this all day. Is the surname a plural of a boy's name?
Question Author
To Flopsymopsy
I think I know who you are getting at, but for the life of me I cannot fathom out the connection. Many thanks
Hi obsessed, are you still unsure? If you take b out of the christian name you are thinking of, you are left with what is another word for a white oak; and as squarebear suggests,the surname is actually the plural of another boy's name.

Question Author
To Flopsymopsy

I am more unsure now. I have googled and checked in every dictionary I have leaving the b out and have not come up with anything to help me. Will try again. This particular quiz drives me mad every time. When I first get it I start off well and manage about half of them in record time and then struggle. Still - it is all good fun, and its for charity.
Best wishes
Question Author
To Flopsymopsy again.

You might just have saved my marriage. I have googled and it is surprising what different one little letter makes.
Am now happy with my answer. Thank you very much
Hi obsessed- I've tried to Take That clue you gave us and I've come up with a possible answer but after removing a B (one of two Bs) from the person's first name I'm left with a word which I have never heard of and can only loosely relate to white oak. And also how does the surname get an s on the end, as the person who conquered all those years ago didn't have an s on the end of his name.
Well I am glad someone else seems to progress like I do; bad start, then on fire for a few more, and then back to square one and struggle with the rest. I could not find the word for white oak until I went onto the reverse dictionary site which has proved a great help for one or two of the other clues. Sorry if I confused you obsessed, must be coz I am left handed. Glad you got there in the end. Have you come up with anything for No 50 this one was the Queen's mother ?
Factor30, As for the s on the end of the surname, well you get things like that with Mr Lyall's quizzes.

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