Oh pauline this really does sound great,
Ive sent for mine and just cant wait.
It was but ten days ago,
where it is I do not know.
A busy lady you must be,
so Iam not priority.
So i will wait with breath bated,
And be worth while that I have waited.
Oh square dont start this up again,
It really can become a pain.
I think you do malign wee mouse,
Its easy to have a grumpy grouse.
Her offer was to one alone,
not all and sundry-do not moan.
Freebi had already paid,
so charity already paid.
Now kiss and make up lets be fair,
theres more to worry about out there.
I said before the majority of the quizzes I enter I get by scan (saves 2 first class stamps) and the charity loses nothing.
I will not go into my personal details but as I dont work and neither does hubby spending �30+ a month on quizzes that goes to charities is doing my bit
I really cant believe you have chosen to do this on a new thread
My apologies smouse but I too find it hurtful when you accuse me of "answering questions when it's not wanted", "not being able to finish a quiz" and "give clues not answers".
Mamya you are just so right,
Squarebear really has no fight,
Smouse is lovely and has class
Squarebear you are just an .........and I just can't think of anything to rhyme there...... ;-)
I think we had better all move on please,
This should all be friendly..and not a tease.
Have a good weekend everyone. The sun is shining...be happy! Life is too short, as some of the children you are helping when you support this quiz are testament to.
All smouse did was offer a copy to someone till their copy arrived she broke no rules. The person she offered it to from what I understand had paid, so no money was lost by smouse's offer. I dont see how that warrants the sarcasm directed at her.
squarebear, I can't believe that anyone would send in a copied quiz, hoping to win a prize, knowing that their name would not be on the organisers list.
So what on earth is this all about?
squarebear yes they could but I assumed no-one on here would be that low on a charity quiz and even if they did surely the copies are numbered or have some way of knowing who's paid and who hasnt. I just think the sarcasm aimed at smouse was unkind when she was genuinely trying to help someone.
for heavens sake smouse was trying to do someone a favour. She didn't offer 'free' copies to everyone just someone who has sent for it.
We don'tknow everyones circumstances and private life wether people have disabled sons,daughters,mothers,fathers,husbands.wives or second cousins!!
I work full time and dont have as much free time as a lot of people but i have a couple of good friends who help me a lot.
Can't we stop all this picking on people and be friends. again.Even in verse its not clever
Smouse i would like to thank you for all the help you have given me over the years.(literally)
Lots of people now say quiz by email with money on entry. Are you saying that people do this and don't pay.
There is no difference between that and sending in a copy with the money.
I accept it isnt what Pauline wants and thats fine its her quiz and her choice
I presume that means you are doubting freebi then and how can you when you dont know her or me for that matter
I have ten quizzes ready to post and everyone is a scan with the money included
Once again I wish to point out I offered it to freebi because I got the impression she had no other quizzes and wanted one to be getting on with.
I did nothing wrong and wish this topic could now end you have hurt me enough