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teacher1946 | 11:15 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
I've just had an e-mail from the AB ..............................
Hi john pugh,

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I've tried again to post as teacher1, but still can't get on ! lol


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Just a thought - are you accidentally introducing a space between teacher and 1?
I often do stuff like that - and when you can't see what you'rre typing, as in password box, you don't know you've done it!
Have another go
I got one too John and as I am on here all the time it made me smile but yours is even more silly

Good luck
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Tried umpteen times ....... still won't let me on as teacher1, or teacher2 ....... ????????????. I'll just have to stay as teacher1946 ! lol
They must have sent them out to all of us. I am also on here far too often if anything!
I haven't had one, sob, sob, what have I done wrong :-((
I got it too someone must have pushed the wrong button eh�
I agree, just keep using taecher1946 and forget all about the other 2 names.

Hi John, funny about that, I had one, exactly the same today, and since I'm the clown running around every weekend with the KM Links I wonder who they were really sending it to. perhaps the ghost in the machine.

Although I get emails each time someone posts, my profile says I've asked a few questions and answered likewise, but I've been here over three years, so something's not working.....suppose I should be grateful not to have been banned.
i had the same email from them today. I'm on AB every day. Glad it's not just me. Hello everyone... have a good weekend.
I haven't posted on here in yonks and never got a message!
I got the message and it wasn't even my birthday.
I am most upset - they didn't send me one and I'm on nearly every day.
I thought Wednesday was April Fools Day, not today! Don't suppose that could have had something to do with it!

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