Spectator 1909 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Spectator 1909

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toalisi | 15:59 Fri 10th Apr 2009 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Any hints please for the theme of the crossword, and the relevance to a 'New Yorker' ?
I suspect it may be something to do with Easter?
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Spot on, Toalisi, do what the instruction says with your four sets of unclued lights (take a letter from Easter to get the apple, for example - the same with one I know you have - the pain-killer - and so on) then look in the bottom left hand corner of the grid - look up that word in Chambers. OK?
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That's great robinruth.

One of the words I've got is 'Ether' !

Sorry to be obtuse but how does that fit?
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The penny has dropped.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the pointer robinruth ... this is the first time I've attempted this puzzle, and had finalised it with the exception of solving the preamble. All clear now.

However, I must thank Kayakamina for explaining the wordplay (by e-mail) on some of the solutions. I had the answers, but couldn't fully justify all of them.

A really enjoyable first attempt. (S)
Sarumite - well done for managing this one as a first Speccie - they are not usually nearly so difficult. We've been doing it for years and I would put this as one of the hardest. I don't know whether Kayakamina agrees.
I thought this a lovely puzzle but Dumpynose has me perplexed by 10d (?A?UP) - I just can't see the wordplay here.
I'd very much welcome a hint.
The definition is the last word. Think of a phrase meaning fool, and muff ( drop) the opening.

And well done S..glad you enjoyed it!
Sorry.. not phrase - expression.
Thank you very much slaney - a great help.

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Spectator 1909

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