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Rainbow Quiz answers from AB

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chakka35 | 18:40 Tue 21st Apr 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
56 Answers
This subject comes up, sometimes heatedly, on individual threads here, so I thought I'd start a general discussion so that people can get their views off their chests.

I'll start: I have been doing this Rainbow Quiz for fifteen years, having started with No.3. And I never look at posts on the subject until I have completed the Quiz on my own. That is not being pious � it's just so much more fun that way.

Which brings me to my question � a question, not a challenge - : what satisfaction do people get in completing the Quiz when they have got some of their answers from others? The frisson one gets when seeing one's name in the 100-per-centers is small and short-lived, but genuine. Do the people who've used others' brains get the same tiny thrill?

The idea that it is done for charity is a red-herring: you can send in the same size of cheque however few you have done.

Here's a mischievous idea. How about those who have been helped, when sending in their entry forms, include the AB names of their helpers. That'd be fun.

Anyway, that's my six-penn'orth. Over to you.


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Unfortunately, lots of people will not send in any money unless they have completed the quiz and have a chance of winning ! This means that the charity will lose out on the money from the unfinished quizzes ! I am all for the charity and am willing to give answers to others so that they can complete it and send in their entry with the money. I send in a donation whether I finish or not ...... also, I state on my entry that I If do win a prize they are to put it into the charity fund !
Me too - I always do. I very seldom finish but I really enjoy bartering!
ditto teacher 1946 (or 1 or 2 or whatever the count is now).

However, by asking one can learn how the clues work, and therefore perhaps get some more on one's own.

It would be good though if people restricted themselves to asking a mazimum number of - say - 7 clues.
chakka35 - I completely agree with you. It always amazes me what satisfaction can be gained from getting someone else to give you the answer and then claiming it for yourself. It is obvious that people are not doing these quizzes to help the charity - they are doing it to make money - but they fail to realise that their actions are just causing quizsetters to give up because their hard work is ruined, often within days of the quiz being published.

It's a shame that the three replies above haven't answered your question - but then it's hardly surprising.

Goofy - you can learn how the clues work by leaving gaps on your answer sheet if you can't work it out for yourself, then seeing the answers when they are returned to you and working it out then. I think it's called learning from your mistakes. As chakka35 says, the charity doesn't benefit more just because you've filled in every answer, does it?
" As chakka35 says, the charity doesn't benefit more just because you've filled in every answer, does it? " ........ to me it does ! More people will be inclined to send the entry and money in !!!
I think a lot of people won't give answers because they want fewer entries in, so that they have more chance of winning themselves !!!!
How can anyone assume that "these people " are not doing it for charity, how do we know how much some may send in for a �1 quiz, maybe above and beyond , and as wonderful as it would be to win �20 here or there is not a life changing sum, when you consider the amount of stamps that a lot of quizzers buy.

I meant to answer the question with one word;

well said teacher 1946,those who dont want to help,want to win it themselves,these people are normally those who can afford every encyclopaedia,every dictionary and all the reference books you can think of,whereas some of us are stuck with a concise oxford, my moan is now over.
here is another question for you , why is it always the same people that complain, they must live in a wee box!!
Quizzes should be sent for by post with cheque, they will have money if you send it back or not. That is my thought.
I agree with teacher1946 ! lol
Isn't everyone that asks for an answer to any prize contest cheating?
I only enter 2 charity quizzes. I send a fiver for 2 copies then I either send in completed, unfinished or not bother.
I once entered the movie Children of Fiji with only 12 answers. It was simply beyond me.
I also enter GFQ which is a league type private quiz where entrants are asked not to cheat - - - but of course some regulars do.
I agree with teddybears. Quite why they let you have all the questions and not make you send in your donation first beggars belief.
I quite agree with squarebear (believe it or not)

If you sent the money up front it would not matter whether you finished the quiz or not - the charity would still have the money and quizzers would be less desperate to finish the quiz, no matter what, including posting lots of questions on AB.
The absolute desperation to finish everything puzzles me - if you can't finish a quiz, don't - no-one is going to know but yourself!
Squarebear, that might not work for this quiz. The minimum entry fee is �1.00. If people sent for the quiz with the money, that might be all the setters recieve. The Rainbow Quizzes raise thousands of �s each time, so the setters probably think it is worth the risk. It also makes the quiz available on-line, increasing the number of entrants.
That's what think anyway.
When given a CHOICE people will usually take the easy option of a short cut (e.g. asking on answerbank / other sites or cheating - or both).

This is not going to go away unless:-

- Quizsetters request that no questions be posted on the internet AND THAT REQUEST IS RESPECTED.

- Well meaning people stop posting answers in the mistaken belief they are helping - they are only slowly decreasing quiz numbers as quizsetters become fed up with the whole thing.

I will always repeat - if you can't do a quiz, no-one is going to die! - put it in the bin or wait until the answers are published.
If you pay up front why do you think that would mean that people wouldn't still ask for answers I dont see that bit.
Look at the questions being asked at the moment a lot of those will be for quizzes that have already been paid for

Minor issue, but for me and lots of others if you do 30 or more quizzes a month and can save the 2 stamps on each one by not having to send for it first or being able to send in a copy its a big saving and yes I do then always send them in finished or not
But then it wouldn't matter if people asked for answers, as the charity already has its money. Any that give the questions away for free first are not doing themselves any favours at all.
I was following on from what quizmaster said as most of the questions asked on here are from quizzes already paid for and yet people still want to finish them which obivously is to be in with a chance of winning I presume

If I understand what you are saying squarebear then every question can be asked on here and every answer given and if that is the case there is no point in setters spending hours to make a quiz more difficult they may as well all be as basic as possible but then lots of us wouldnt want those

Yes, as this is a question and answer site and the front page confirms that by saying "ask any question", all 100 questions could be asked here.

The only way round that would be to shut the site. If people don't want to read the answers, why do they join up to this site?
is that all in one go then - no need to try and answer any ourselves
Next time you get a quiz would you like to try that - the response would be interesting

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