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m m links april (week 4)

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beejay1124 | 09:47 Sat 25th Apr 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
51 Answers
Alas, it is Week 4 of the reign of Baron Brian and my month of glory is nearing an end. At least the flow of points to the early birds has been relentless and ex-champions of MM Links have shown their merit. What is reassuring is the appearance of some new names in the April League Table. There is one more lap to run, before the May Champion emerges


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Recently there have been several events to celebrate. Apart from the Easter break, the Grand National and an improvement in the weather, this week has been dominated by the Budget and this weekend by the London Marathon. The closest I ever get to runners is when I plant my runner beans!

Sportwise, there are some important issues to settle of promotion and relegation. How will crofter�s Newcastle United fare under Shearer�s stewardship to avoid the drop? Personally, I am more concerned with the recession. I am in the Building Trade and the immediate future is very precarious. Still, there will be few people in the UK who are not affected in one way or another.

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Needless to say, for the everyday running of MM, I will follow the same rule as introduced by crofter on word length. Each of my chosen link words contains at least four letters and at most eight. Stray outside this range and you will be wasting one of your attempts! Each of my selected words may go in front of or after my challenge word. The competition will officially close at 7.00pm on Sunday evening when crofter will declare my selected words, then apply the same rules for awarding points that have been applied during all MM Link Games in the past. My final set of four words to have their links predicted will appear below at 9.00am. Good luck to you all.
Only just got a connection on internet!! Hope I stay on!
me too Pauline. I kept getting a page saying "this page is not avilable"! Doesn't bode well!
pauline - beware those hotspurs they are hot at the moment
thought it was just me
what a time for the site to play up how dare they?????
Question Author
I, Baron Brian, challenge you to predict my final set of words based on: The Building Site
Good Luck everyone
We'll win cliffyg! :-))
Pick Wick
Glass Bottle
Trade Fair
Forced Labour
Guitar Pick
Glass House
trade Union
Hard Labour

tooth pick
glass house
trade union
slave labour

Pick Handle
Trade Union
Labour Market
Glass Castle
Good Mrning beejay

My attempts at this are:

WINE glass
trade UNION
HARD labour
Trade FAIR
HARD Labour
fair TRADE
I will try....

trade SECRET
labour PAINS

Thnak you Baron Brian...a great month!
trade UNION
pick NMIX
Ground Glass
Fair Trade
Hard Labour

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m m links april (week 4)

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