1 "they seek him here" 2 a bovine error 3 a scarlet victor loses his h 4 prudish 20 5 economical management 6 musical instrument 7 harlequin's girlfriend 8 all in this land have a automobile 9 toss charles lamb 10 38 allegedly from another country 11 sounds like a material for dressing wounds 12 symbolic of remembrance day 13 ................. for remembrance
Rosemary is a herb long associated with remembrance . In "Hamlet" Ophelia says "Here's rosemary for remembrance."
Lob ( = toss ) + Elia ( The pen-name of Charles Lamb )
Assuming 20 is rose, it is prim ( prudish ) + rose.
Your question 10 looks like it picks up on the answer for No 38 in your quiz. Do you ahve that answer please?