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ketter1 | 08:05 Sun 24th May 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers

Can anyone help me out with these mindbenders?

49 I G for B C
34 D E is M A
4 S W B in a J
400 NT = H I T S

Many thanks.


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4 Standard Wine Bottles in a Jeroboam.
49 International Goals for Bobby Charlton

I think these questions were asked previously (by you?). That request also included 17 EC is MA which I assume must be in the same quiz. I wondered if that one and 34 DE is MA are linked? So if you've got an answer for 17 EC is MA what is it (?) because that might help to solve 34 DE is MA.
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I don't have the 17 EC is MA on the list of quiz questions so I think it's a different quiz, and alas i don't know the answer to it. many thanks for your help and if you ever think of the answer to 34 D E is M A then let me know as it's driving me crazy!

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