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FAO Lie-in King

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paross | 12:47 Sun 24th May 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
Hi, you didn't help me earlier but thankfully someone else did. Was just wondering how Tuesday went


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Sorry, I had a late start today....

Tuesday went well, barring the fact that I had a text from an old friend that didn't know I was off to a funeral to tell me that a woman we'd both worked with had also died..

I'm getting fed up with the Universe...

I hope your week was ok & your weekend even better?!

All smiles from today! :-))
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I'm getting better thanks. At least I can walk now (screaming muscles have recovered) and after 3 different lots of medication the conjunctivitis is improved. Glad Tuesday was OK, don't you find that several people you know seem to die in a short time?? I suppose we have to be a certain age to make such a comment really, but it's true none the less.

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FAO Lie-in King

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