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Sunday Express Birthday Quiz May 24

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Mazziestar | 12:08 Tue 26th May 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
I know I'm a bit late, but does anybody have the answer please?


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Is there a clue or anagram? I don't have the Sunday Express so I don't know what it is your looking for.
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hi, thanks, its in the Sunday Magazine an anagram of A E D A B I D L but I'm two letters short of the celebrity's name, which is why I was asking. Thanks though.
David Blaine?
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Cheers Squarebear! I'd never have got that one.
I'm only guessing from the letters you gave. I may be wrong. I looked him up and he was born on April 4th.

But if you add N and V to AEDABIDL you get David Blaine.
Question Author
oh dear no, his birthday is on thursday and theres another letter, (12 in all) and its a 5 and a 7 so it isn't him, thanks for trying though!
David Baddiel?
Ah now he is born 28th May! I bet that must be it.
Question Author
You're very clever! I'm sure thats correct, got to be! Thanks again !
Hehe! We got there eventually :-)

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Sunday Express Birthday Quiz May 24

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