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Come fly with me

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mcdougall | 19:50 Wed 10th Jun 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Species of whale (5)
A make of trolley (8)
Gear grasper (7,7)
Blue to red (8)
Show or body sporting gap (8,4)
Firm parlour (8,6)


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1.pilot whale.
2 Carriage ?
6. Business lounge
7. is an anagram
make off trolley on my sheet is 7 letters
sorry i mean no 3 gear gasper
Question Author
Gear grasper can't be an anag. as there arn't 14 letters
Question Author
Make of trolley on mine is definately 8
sorry your right getting mixed up
baggage handler
do you know 20 bit shot speckling [9,8] thanks Diane
No. 4 has been changed on mine from 8 to 7 letters and number 28 has been changed from 6 to 7 letters
Question Author
Sorry Diane have not got no. 20 not gots lots infact !!

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Come fly with me

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