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Freda7 | 15:20 Mon 22nd Jun 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
nswers are names of dishes to be found on menus. Starters, Main Course, Desserts, Breakfast,Teas etc.
No. 59. Going fast, he loses a letter, but male ends it
No. 68. By the sea, it seems he is twisting round in the
pram. (Have seen Parmesan suggested for
this but cannot understand why)
Number of letters are not given.

Could anyone offer any help please? Many thanks.


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68 samphire - anag pram he is
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chelle 7272 - Many thanks for your help which is much appreciated.
59 Quiche
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Quizmaster - I had wondered about Quiche myself (Quick/he minus the k) but couldn't think of anything to fit the "but male ends it ok" so thought I must be wrong. Thanks for your help and perhaps you could suggest a word which could be added to Quiche to cover the rest of the clue. I do appreciate your help - thanks.
If the word QUICK loses the 'K' have QUIC then you add "HE" (as in man) and you get QUICHE....does it tell you how many letters it is?
Sorry just realised you said no number of letters were given!! Sorry! x
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abbie1977 - Thanks for the explanation - I get it now.
Freda 7
Sorry about being late getting back to you, but abbie1977 has already explained it

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