group therapy in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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group therapy

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heather39 | 01:18 Thu 16th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
wine producer is annoyed about resistance to the first
merlot. troublesome.

remove hall blind to reveal a picture depicting hollands eiffel towers (8 ,4,3)

also wine producer is annoyed about resistance to the first merlot. troublesome (6)

collection of scotsmen inside the line prevents my tries from being touched down (7)

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1. Lavender Hill Mob ~ (anag) .. picture/film, main character a Mr. Holland
2 VERMIN ? anagram of vine outside of r m (resistance + first letter of merlot)

Don't see any connection between this and the title.
one definition
a. A person considered loathsome or highly offensive.
b. Such people considered as a group.
SMYTRIE (anag of my tries) ?
a scottish word for a collection of small things

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