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occupational therapy

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smurff | 15:08 Thu 16th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
what was the name of the bar in tvs dallas
thanks for any help


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I cant believe I can still remember this !

cattleman club

or very similar
mazie - near enough - actually Cattleman's Club, wonder if it's still there ? maybe not eh !
I'm just amazed I got that close phizzy , I was never really a fan, just watched the odd episode!

thanks for the confirmation.
Its scary what is lurking in your brain. My sister tested me on one of our childhood dressing dolls recently. I found that I recalled the name of a particular paper doll off the back of Judy comic that I had not thought about in 50 years!
amazing grasscarp, well done you! I remember loads from my childhood. My teens are a bit sketchy, probably for the best though!
I remember my childhood very well......yesterday not so sure.....
thought the paperdressing up dolls were on Bunty LOL Remember the three Marys??
They were on the back of Bunty and Judy, so we cut them out from both, stuck them on cardboard and put the clothes on with the little tabs. We knew how to live in those days.
And Diane I think it was in the three Marys that I read "If you value your fathers life go to the house of the thousand masks".
Why do I remember that. for goodness sake.

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