Question Author
Monday marks the 40th anniversary of the first landing on the moon. Forty years ago! It still seems like yesterday. I can remember Jim and I sitting in my parents� front room (we weren�t married then) watching it on TV. We were mesmerised, frightened to move away from the screen in case we missed something. Jim ended up having to walk all the way home, about 5 miles, as he had missed the last bus. We�d stayed up till about 2.30am just so we could see them walk on the moon�s surface.
I don�t know how we managed to stay awake at work the next day. But then, we�d often stay up till the early hours in those days and think nothing of it � I couldn�t do it now though. We loved the 60�s � The Beatles, offshore radio, mini skirts, being young and carefree. We have found a wonderful on-line radio programme that plays mainly 60�s music, it�s based in seekeerz�s home town of Adelaide, South Australia and we have that playing most days now.
Anyway enough of the reminiscing.
As for this week�s MM Links Game, I shall follow the rules relating the word length as introduced by crofter. Each of my chosen link words contains at least four letters and at most eight. Stray outside this range and you will be wasting one or more of your attempts! Each of my selected words may go in front of or after my challenge word. The competition will officially close at 7.00pm on Sunday evening when my selected words will be declared, and points awarded in the usual manner. My third set of words to be linked should appear below at 9.00am.