I am genuinely puzzled!Looking for a tricky answer in Crosswordsthere was all this business about Happy Birthday.etc. are you well known in some other sphere-Google suggests a connection with pop music? There are so many helpful 'answerers'- but alot of people seem to know you personally -how come?
His maj is very well respected here and you are invited to parties after a strict set of initiation tests, I wouldnt if I were you, many have fallen by the wayside.
not sure how long L-I-K has been an advisor on here,always very polite,freinly & helpful.he's not often about during the week,goes into stasis during the week,i believe.prob.ate too much cake yesterday!
Thanks to everyone for their helpful answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a bit embarrassed about my'Nomme de Keyboard' -should perhaps change it to 'Nonethewiser'.