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Tree quiz

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tpw536w | 14:51 Thu 20th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
answers include the name of a tree
18) National Park in Queensland, Australia (5,9)
29)Peter's fury cousin (8,5)
30)Take one timepiece and a rodent and what do you have? (7,74)
46)Two different spider species share the same common name, one is very venomous and aggressive (6,6)

Thanks for any help


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29. smurff has previosly suggested that maybe FURY should be FURRY and therefore the Peter could be Peter Rabbit and his cousin would be Benjamin Bunny

The Benjamin Tree is another name for the weeping fig (Ficus Benjamina)
30) HICKORY Dickory Dock. ( the mouse ran up the clock )
Question Author
Thanks gen2 & valerieb1254 for those
There's 2 sites for you in my last answer.
46. Banana Spider
Question Author
Thanks again valerieb1254, & Gretel

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