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A mystery

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flicrat | 22:08 Sat 29th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
On 3rd July, I was sure I saw my name as a winner - probably of the NE towns quiz for Dragonfly, as that finished on 30 June and I was surprised to see a result so soon. However, I went away for a week and when I came back was surprised not to find a letter.I could no longer find the relevant entry in AB and have heard no more. Should I have done anything to claim the prize? Did I dream it? Is there anywhere I can check? Maybe it was another quiz, but no word from anywhere!


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nip here and register and ask as i am sure they know pauline ward who organises this quiz (I know i didnt win it) you may have to register to go on forum but very easy p
The Dragonfly winners were Mrs Titley, myself, Jane Evans and Adrian Wickings with bonus prize winner Shirley Eastman, so if you are one of these and haven't heard anything I'm sure the setter will post information here for you.
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Thank you both.
Well at least I didn't dream it!
That site I posted is worth a look thought they are lovely genuine people and very keen quizzers
I do know that paulineward is not around this evening, but a message has been forwarded to her, to ensure that she is aware of this thread.
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Thankyou mamyalynne. I have been to the site but am not sure what part would be relevant if I did sign in. I still have the address so can contact them now I have established that was the quiz.
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And thank you sarumite.
Thanks Jools for letting me know about this thread ..I have been entertaining this evening...and just popped on to check e-mails before bed.
Thanks Sarumite als for letting flicrat know I was not around.

flicrat...can you please e-mail me on

[email protected]

...and I can take more details from you, and hopefully sort this out. This is the first time a Dragonfly winner hasn't received their prize!...and of course we must sort it.

Look forward to hearing from you.
I did receive my prize but it had been posted without a stamp and I had to pay to receive it. Maybe thay posted prizes in a hurry.
crossmother...that wouldn't have been a Dragonfly Quiz Prize.
crossmother, that wouldn't have been a Dragonfly Quiz prize.

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