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Answers are all at sea.

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44949 | 21:39 Thu 24th Sep 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
I`m stuck with the following;

1. Chair defeat
2. Votes cast fasten securely
3. Soldiers house Irish party
4. Liquid sac holding framework
5. First Nation woman fifty fifty
6. Slice little person sort of
7. Musical key frost speaks
8. Humorously hoax
9. Your answers the clues head

I appreciate any help. Thankyou in anticipation.


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6. Cuttlefish . . . . sounds like 'cut elf-ish' (dodgy spelling!)
23:17 Thu 24th Sep 2009
10. Ships that pass in the night.
2. Poll + lock ..... POLLOCK (fish)?
8. April Fish?? ... the French term for April Fool.
4. Bladderwrack
8. Laughing Gull

Hiya sarumite, what did Neptune say when the seas dried up?
. .
. . .
. . . . " I haven't a notion"
6. Cuttlefish . . . . sounds like 'cut elf-ish' (dodgy spelling!)
for no 5, take the first letter of another word for nation-think about roman numerals for 50-50.

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