Answering an answer in The AnswerBank: Site Suggestions
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Answering an answer

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Uzoma | 19:56 Tue 30th Nov 2004 | Site Suggestions
2 Answers

I wish that there could be a way to 'email' someone if, for example, they gave an answer and you wanted to say - your link doesn't work.

It doesn't even have to be a direct email - just an email saying that you have a message or a reply to your answer.

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Hello Uzoma: interesting idea but not one we have plans for. There are plenty of Answerbank emails whizzing around cyberspace already! If people start getting unsolicited mail from the site as well as 'You have an answer' mails, they might not like it.
ps to the above -- didn't want that to sound negative. I do understand your frustrations. You can always post the message on the thread itself in the hope that the person concerned has subscribed to the thread?

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