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film titles

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smurff | 15:20 Sun 04th Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
1 rip clothes up while lookinf at the clock
2four corners --- ring is round
3 what you see when you light a fire
4 let someone look at & go for a ride on water
5 find on face
6sounds like a number, mans name,sounds like the peg
thanks for any help


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2. The Square Ring (1953)
6. For (4) Pete's Sake (sounds like Jake)
5. maybe Lipstick ??

Sorry Smurff I'm drying up now :-)
3. But if you go here and search

You will find a number of films with flame, smoke etc. in the title
Me again, maybe 'Heat' ?

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