Sunday Tribune in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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mokane002 | 15:39 Sun 04th Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
2 left - any help appreciated

19a fantasy language from Dungeons & Dragons E?V?N
29d & 18a - 20thC sean-nos singer from Co Waterford ?A?H?AS/O?A???A

Many thanks
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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19a Elven (?)
19a Elven (?)
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Thanks Lie-in-king - I though of that, but never played and couldn't find a direct reference to it with D&D, and if you say it, then it must be true!
29 down & 18 across. The answer is Labhras O' Cadhla. He goes back a long time !
Apologies for the double answer, don't know how it happened...

...To altomunster - wow! Now that's a name! Thanks, I can stop looking! :-)

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