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Parts of the body

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who77 | 06:39 Tue 13th Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Can anyone help with the following clues please - answers are all body parts. Thanks in anticipation.

1. Me, part of a suite and a shortened Mr Holst!
2. A painting, a headless woman and the 23rd letter of the Roman alphabet!
3. Threefold and edibile mushrooms!
4. A lie, taxus and the 6th note of the scale!
5. Tiny, with an endless public house, an examination and the poetic contraction of even!


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3. Triceps
4. Fibula
4 fibula ?
1. Oesophagus
5 intestine ?
add small to the fron of beejay1124's last answer
small intestine ^
hi jum-just noticed it myself too-
thanks anyhow
5. Spleen
Small intestine obviously a better answer!

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Parts of the body

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