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Halloween Horrors

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Freda7 | 15:38 Tue 13th Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Can anyone help please - films related to Halloween or Horror:
No. 60. S O D starring D W
No. 65. V H starring R C
Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.


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Van Helsing with Robbie Coltrane .
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Thanks for your help swannbaker, much appreciated.
HI Freda

"Scars of Dracula"..............Starring......Denis Waterman ( would you believe! )

Cripes knows how i know this, Freda, but it may be that i've just come in from looking at a college for our eldest next year, and i'm feeling a bit intelligent tonight...........................LOL
Hi yogi. Who's a clever boy then. That's been driving me mad. I'm a fan of old black and white horror so should have got it. Damn. x
Hi Jan xx

I am, are'nt i?.................dont know where it came from though.........but remember seeing it years ago and DW was in it...........weird, eh?

Hope you're well, my lovely.

Just off to have my macoroni tummy's rumbling!!

lots of love

yogi xxx
Question Author
My grateful thanks to The Equalizer. So glad you had that flash of inspiration!!
You are most welcome, lovely Freda.

Glad to have been of assistance. :0)

yogi xx

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Halloween Horrors

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