I think this weeks crossword is most difficult. when I decide on an answer I just cannot understand the answer. Anyone help me with 1d. Sentiment sailor's expressed about Church Mass. (8) 3d.
Hack rewrote three lines, penning nothing fitting for ladies or gents(6,5) 10d. Box containing key and rings mistress emptied out in cafes (6,5) and 33d. Met professionals, perhaps, wiping local casualty units after surgery (5,7) These are just three that I am stuck on. Many thanks
Many thanks baitress, I see someone else asked for 1d. at the same time. You were a great help but I still have some to solve, maybe summit more in a few minutes
Hi baitress, Can you help again? Your answer coffee rooms dosn't fit with my answer for 25a. Where you see it all finally shared on journey in ship (5,6) I have striptease which puts an e as the third letter in rooms. I also need help with 37d. With head and shoulders underneath bar, see-saw with economy (4,3,4) Much appreciated.
I am so fed up! I struggled more than usual with this crossword and thought i'd do what I could to help others when I'd completed it. Only to discover that the experts are there before me. It sounds so feeble to say that I support earlier answers (though I do). On with the Motley
steven j