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Sunday xpress xword

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paross | 12:00 Sun 22nd Nov 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Morning all :-)

Can someone confirm, or not, that 30D is DACE please? It's the only one I'm not sure of. Thanks


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It is Paross !
Morning! :-)

Yes to 'Dace'

Hope you're fit & well?
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Hello Redman and thankyou for your speedy reply. Hope all is well with you.
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Morning Lie-in king, I'm well yes, don't know about the fit part !! How are you getting on with your new pc? Plenty of custom?
PC's fine, it's BT that are mucking about - the b'band only works when I have the receiver off the phone! They're "looking at the problem & will call me this morning..." Hmmm...
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So what you're saying is that you can't take or make a phone call whilst using the PC? How antiquated!! Not really an improvement on using dial-up is it? Keep hounding BT !!
Hounding away...

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Sunday xpress xword

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