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Sunday Business Post No. 1027

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jimby | 12:20 Mon 23rd Nov 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
(1d) Oriental sport may amount to nothing. (4) S _ _ _ .
(10a) A poem between numbers? that's the poser. (5) _ _ D _ L .
(13d) Zola turns up with some fruit. (4) L _ _ _ .
(14d) Make a scene regarding furniture and gold. (7) T A _ _ _ A _ .
(28a) How to be economical, but ineffective. (7) _ _ E _ _ S _ .
(36a) Tree from a 'gents' in a Cork town. (7, 3) _ O _ _ _ _ _ F _ _ .


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1d. sum o
10a. m ode l
1d sumo
10a model
13d lime
14d. table au
28a. use less
36a - douglas fir?
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Thanks for the answers.

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