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Hats quiz

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mcdougall | 13:35 Wed 16th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
1. Top dressing for the party (5.3)
2. Screen wear for the duke? (7)
3. Look to Queen Mary - she often wore one (5)
4. Once said to be for the working class (5.3)
5. Barnaby rudge character (5.6)
6. Turning al mall in Barc elona? (8)


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2. Stetson
5. Dolly Varden
4. cloth cap
1. funny hat
2. Stetson? (John Wayne)
5. Dolly Varden
3 tiara?
5 Toque
Question Author
Already got sombrero for another answer, anagram so am pretty sure, many thanks though
6 could be MANTILLA (anagram) if your 'AL' should be 'AT', though it' a head scarf rather than a hat.
Question Author
Yes, thanks should be at, so mantilla it is , just need no 3 now Queen Mary wore a hood but wrong no. of letters, any idea?
I just saw a picture of Queen Mary and she was wearing a tiara
You seem to have been given TOQUE already
Which quiz is this please

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