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Christmas dingbats

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smouse | 09:09 Mon 20th Dec 2004 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Can be lines of songs, film or anything to do with Christmas

1   Pine with the word Now underneath it 4 times

2  noel with the top half of the e missing

3  9pm crashed sleigh, 10pm dropped parcels, 11pm fell off roof, **12pm trapped in flue

4  hehehehehehe amlaikset hehehehehehe itplaidit

this one is each word on a different line

5  anglicans, baptists, catholics, methodists, these are in a column there is a speach bubble coming from anglicans with rudolf the red nosed reindeer in and underneath all the religions is 25/12/04 21:15

6  Gabriel Michael Raphael (large arrow pointing down to michael) then underneath Daffodil Chestnut Tulip



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Could no 3 be "When Santa got stuck up the chimney"? I remember singing this at junior school years ago.

1. Presents under the Christmas tree !!
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dsg as so many of the others have made me groan I like this
Hi smouse,  I was compiling a quiz for next Christmas and happened to solve numbers 2 (Christmas party) and 6 (the angel on top of the tree).  You may by now have the answers to the rest.  What was 4 above? and did you solve the three Messes?

Question Author

I did 4 myself but cant for the life of me remember what it was. I am sure I still have the sheet so I will look for you so keep looking at this. The 2 messes I got that too but even with the reason for the answer I dont like it - it was messiah which i put out of desperation. There were about 30 altogether. Oh no I wont rest now and I was busy but will go and hunt for the sheet before number 4 drives me mad for  the second time.

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he's making a list and he's checking it twice
Great! I'm waiting eagerly.
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lol thats the answer to no 4, he's making a list and he' s checking it twice
Oh Dear!!   Many thanks.   I thought my mind was twisted but.....

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Christmas dingbats

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