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ronaldo1 | 15:16 Tue 12th Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
i. and 2. Names of UK Football Clubs
1. 'Biweekly supporters must be bonkers' (7 letters)
2. 'Orders all eleven players to play for England' (11 letters)

Answer 3. is a four digit number
3. 'Highjacked flight rescued by New York banker' (4 digits)


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Is the flight the one that came down in the river? Just a suggestion.
I hope someone can figure out Nos. 1 and 2, because I'm completely stumped. ;o(
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Thanks Teacher 1 and Strathspey. I'll try and find the flight number of that aircraft.
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No, the flight number is only three figures.

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