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rte guide crossword 8.

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magcrossword | 21:45 Tue 16th Feb 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
23d. snakes going down, though 50 would start them up. 6 letters. - - d - - - . I thought it might be ladder but that will mean that marry is incorrect.
19d. if the answer is hard upon that means that 25a. is not tanker. the question is Put a tiger in this tank - - - or along those lines.

1d. Pound for pound its sound - as £sd signified2 5 letter words - o - i - money

thanks in advance


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23D: Adders
19D: Jaguar
Have no answer for 1D
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thank you birdie 05
1d) a long shot -Solid?

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rte guide crossword 8.

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