DMail Prize Xword 19.03.10 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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DMail Prize Xword 19.03.10

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ashfordshe | 17:54 Fri 19th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
5d. Fortunes can be picked up in language development (9) A?C?D?N?E
27a. 10 appears in heart of Bremen facing journalists (7) E???E?S
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27a empress?
5d] accidence

misread the clue
27a what's the answer to clue 10? (heart of brEMen = EM, so empress seems likeliest)
What was the clue to 10?
cupid o4 Could you explain accidence. I know it's to do with grammar but where does "fortunes...." come in?
sounds like "accidents" (picked up = heard)
Thank you Bibblebub. Still don't know the clue to 10!
10a Czarina
Thank you for answering my question, Mctavish. Now I know why empress was correct . ashfordshe might have had the courtesy to reply when people are trying to help.

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DMail Prize Xword 19.03.10

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