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cupid04 | 12:17 Fri 23rd Apr 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Please may i ask you puzzle and crossword solvers why it is that you are quite happy to give some people the answers, but other people only clues?


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Unless the OP specifically asks for clues only, I always give answers because I reckon that giving clues is saying to them "you're not clever enough to solve this so I'll treat you like a 5 year old".
Hi cupid. Some of the charity quiz setters request that only clues be given on forums like ours. Often people will send for a quiz and immediatley start requesting answers. Some of the charity quizzes have closing dates of 2/3 months away, so plenty of time to Try and work out the answers yourself. It's a very mixed bag on here some will answer and can't see any reason why they shouldn't (thats fair enough) and others feel very strongly that if you send for a quiz, you should at least make some effort yourself (and thats fair enough as well). each to their own. I am of the second opinion
I give answers because I' m too lazy (or unable) to give clues. However I think it's a good idea to give clues-helps the questionner to get the answers themselves (sometimes!)
Question Author
thankyou both for your quick answers.
on the whole I prefer to give clues. After all, if it's a prize quiz, why should I make it too easy for someone welse to win!
But, if I get help from AB (which I do, otherwise why use the site) I send in my entry saying keep the prize-money - I don't deserve it, and you can give it to the charity.

Sancitmonious of me!
I dont agree with this take on it bibble

"you're not clever enough to solve this so I'll treat you like a 5 year old".

Often in quizzing, and I'm sure, it's not just me, your mind gets set on a certain "Track". A little push is usually all that this is required to get you on the right track. Giving the answer straight away, to me is like saying "You're like a 5 year old, here, let me do it for you"

But I'm not going to get into an arguement about this. It's my opnion and that all it is.

(peace man)
I prefer to give answers and most times they are wrong. :-)
It's not the first time I've posted my point of view and some people didn't like it then, I'm not bothered.
And you shouldn't be, it's you point of view and that's as it should be. But others have the right to state their point of view without being abused.
I agree with freedom of speech and opinion. Sometimes an extra clue is all that is needed, whereas other times you definitely need the answer. Either way I am grateful for any help given and I don't take offence easily.
Some people will give a hint (i.e. look at... or think of....) - others (like me) tend to give the answer but also try to explain how I reached it, in the hope that it helps for next time.
I think this query was initally to do with the charity quizzes not the crossword questions boxtops. Generally no one has any issues with the daily, weekly crossword questions and answers. It's just the quizzes that get people hot under the collar. especially the challenging ones like Rainbows.

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