Oh dear, looks like I'll be on a charge of dereliction of duty tonight. I all but forgot that our dear leader, Crofter, has gone AWOL this weekend and I have been left with the keys to the 'Shrubbery'.
I hereby declare the shrubbery is 'Open'. (Please don't all rush at once!)
I mustn't forget the real purpose of this post, and that is to remind you all that tomorrow morning, two games begin here in Q & P.
The first is the MM Links Game which is being set this month by Aquagility. Since this is a 5-week month with two to go, the field is wide open. Even better, the opposition has been reduced by one because I have been roped in once again as scorer – hopefully just for one week unless the volcanic ash and air-strikes conspire against Crofter's return.
The MM Game kicks off with an intro at 8:45 Saturday morning and the game starts of with the links being posted at 9:00 am precisely. Play early for maximum points.
The sister game of KM Links is overseen by Seekeerz and starts earlier around 7:00 am but there are no bonus points for early players so you can play anytime.
Just stopped for a refreshment break and soon to be back on task. My target is to get it three-quarters completed tonight (I started just after lunch) - problem is that I have to use an artist's No. 6 round hogshair brush to get behind the old Victorian cornice relief.
A naughty young lass called Pauline
Treated her guests extremely mean
Of their stay in her cellar
She penned a "best seller"
But her publisher thought it rather obscene.
This starts OK but boy, does it have a weak ending!
There was a young lady from Stockport
whose Dragonfly quiz was a shock; nought
could help with the clues,
which brought on the blues, and so all the Shrubbery mock ought.....
twix...it's about time!
It was sunny and very warm here today, but quite cloudy this afternoon.
I still managed to catch a bit of the sun though...so I will start looking healthier!
With the sun....the golf has been improving over the last few weeks, although it'll probably all go to pot next weekend when we go to Northern Ireland for our regular outing (and one or two glasses of the local brew)!
We are going to the RHS gardens at Wisley tomorrow. It's quite close to us here in Surrey and should look great at this time of year, especially if the sun is out.
Good evening twix and tearinghair
Hi x-ray and everyone. Just off for an early night so that the little white cells (my torn hair is an odd mixture now of brown, grey and white - through age, not dye I hasten to add) are in good condition for the morning. See you all tomorrow.