26) 1911 G C I N L
27) 1973 T L F H was W I a J
31) 1955 J D D D a P S
36) 1968 J Y A the F H in S
38) 1907 F was F C with W M of P
40) 1588 A C H C the E F
Thanks glasman and bella, The setter has really outdone himself this time!! Although I will send it in just to get the answers I think the charity will suffer because there is no give and take on this quiz so some people will give it up as a bad job
We are all gluttons for punishment - we complain about the marking every time, but as its our local one, we keep doing it. lol. Dont think he will need the starred questions this time. As we have to buy the sheet first, the charity wont suffer this time, but as you say, it will put others off and they wont buy it. I shall only be sending it in to get the answer sheet back.