PINK GOOSEBERRIES in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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iggymiggy | 19:14 Thu 24th Jun 2010 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
A lot of the gooseberries on my bushes have gone very pink are they still okay to eat.
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They are .. no sharpness tho .. I like 'em a bit sharp : )
Agree with AlBags... if you left them long enough they would turn purplish... too ripe in my estimation...
ooooooh gooseberries! .... what id do for a gooseberry right now...!

i love em, are they in the shops, ive not seen any?
Some gooseberry varities are grown to be pink, its normal...
if you don't want them can we have them... the Goosegog appreciation society is now in session
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Sorry they are not going anywhere except my tummy i love them this is the first year i.ve had any to pick even though i've had the plants for 3 years. I don't think they are in the shops yet and if and when they are they certainly don't taste like home grown.

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