This is an elegantly simple puzzle, with a delightful thematic pdm. I encourage the prejudgemental sceptics to give it a go. [Those who are new to Printer's Devilry could consult Dr Watson's notes to Azed number 1888 (
which was also dissected at
There is a pertinent article by Matthew Parris in the current issue of the Spectator (14 August, page 27). He discusses simplicity in music, but the principles apply more widely. "Some of the loveliest sounds I have heard on piano are not difficult to play. ... I wonder sometimes, when we madly applaud an astonishing bravura performance on keyboard or vocal cords, ... whether what we admire has much to do with art. ... Three cheers for virtuosity. But virtuosity is not art."
Incidentally, those who, having polished off the puzzle, find themselves "condemned" to doing something else, might, if it has to be crosswords, try creating one themselves, keeping Parris's comments in mind. It's not so easy. As for me, I have books to read, movies to watch, chess problems to solve, cricket to play, .....