Good morning all, from a very wet south oz - well at least we haven't got the thunderstorm that was rolling around all of yesterday, I wouldn't be here with you if there was !! but at the moment it's tissing it down, as someone on this site taught me !!
Four words today - and the least said the better !! If anyone has a problem with 51d I'd be happy to hear about it - I'm not happy but I can't figure out what else it's meant to be. I also have an awful habit of half-reading the clue, putting in what I think it might be and then as with today, having to go find something else - namely the correct answer !!
Today's words [ I think }
UNION [??]
Quite a few possibilities there, just picking the right ones may take a bit of doing, however, as usual, everyone's welcome to join in, the contest runs till midnight Sunday and I'll post the results asap Monday morning. And just remember, no long words over on MM, but no worries with them on KM.
So Good Luck to us all with the start of a new month.... ready, steady.....GO !!!!
Hi, S, thank you. Have got R.S. staying and told her of your weather, she looked out the window at the sunshine and smiled. Schadenfreude!! Has gone to a horse show with C.
Lord help us. What lily-livered ignorant prig runs this site?
Talk about a fit of the vapours, pass the smelling salts.
The word they have asterisked rhymes with bag and starts with SL.
Good evening (here), Steff. Jools in in Nova Scotia and says to tell you she can't get online. Meanwhile, I'll go for:
Cast adrift
Reefing gear
Basic principles
Union Castle
gosh, I'm glad you put in an explanation for your asterisks, Strix - I had no idea what your match was, and as Magyar's gone for the same one [ I hope ] you might just have got some points [ heaven forfend !! ]
that r s is an evil woman, you can tell her from me !! fancy laughing at her home town when she's enjoying sunshine !! she may not know, so could you please tell her, Sharyn had the twins on July 28, and all are well