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Mad Over 50's Club now open.

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Mamyalynne | 19:59 Sat 09th Oct 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
158 Answers
Once more, in her Ladyships absence may I welcome you all to the club.

In view of the autumnal chill at night I have lit a fire in the Library, so we can gather round and toast marshmallows later as we sip the warming punch I have brewed for us, though usual tailcocks also available.

Have made a sizeable batch of Steak and onion Pasties for later.

I am sure Alexanderd will light the chimeneara thingy on the terrace for those who wish a ciggy or a moonlight waltz.

The collection plate is as usual on the hall table, though goodness knows what we are collecting for this time.

All raffle prizes are welcome.


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Hello kate - lovely to see you and rex again - I have some special treat for him as per the vet's menu. Bubbles sound like an entirely appropriate drink this week for you - I may even join you as I believe in a varied liquid diet!
May I come in?
thank you ttfn you are very kind,we could go and sit in church and take the bottle with us,rex is a lot better,thank you.
hello joy this is better than the pub in here,loadsa laughs
But of course you may Bobbi dear - have anything you fancy from the nibbles tray and the drinks bar - mamya has just nipped outside to check on the home for the bewildered neighbours <no need to go outside really ;o) >
Just got back from the banquet,
am feeling quite replete
will give the nibbles a miss
but a tailcock will go down a treat
I would like to dedicate this song to all of you, especially ttfn...she knows why

My dearest alexanderd
You are wearing Lincoln Green
You jammy little dodger
Have a mirror in which to preen

(takes the biscuit doesn't it!)
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So sorry to have been adrift so long.

Good evening Kate, Bobbi and Alex, I will get my pasties out of the Aga now a few more are here.

Perhaps Andrew will take one on his midnight ramble?
Oh bless your Geordie heart
I never had an accolade
This poor old heart of mine -
It's day you just have made ♥
ttfn you really are swet
I dont know what to say
perhaps we could have a twirl later
if matron says we may

Sorry didnt have time to get changed before calling in, evening matron, looking stunning as usual
sorry ttfn you are sweet not sweaty!!!
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You are so kind,
you flatterer you
when the pasties come out,
you may have two
Was that Bobbi I saw lying in the front porch, makes a change from the Bigg Markett!!
A middle age spread you've had?
Your evening must have been made
But as I recall from my childhood
We called it Old English Marmalade

Boom Boom - I'll get me coat
alex, me...never
alex - it can be arranged but don't tell matron ;o)
anyone noticed there is a new club open down the road? be interesting to see how long this one lasts(riffraff I expect)
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Only twirling after all meds dear.
Common sis - you find yourself a comfy seat and we can all have a merry sing song - mamya does her best with the music but all efforts are welcome (alex and I have done the Tennessee waltz!)

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