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Mags22 | 13:46 Sat 30th Oct 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
84d - reliable performer - I have b?n?e? I notice someone asked this earlier and answer given as 'banker' - does anyone else agree? Thanks


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Someone has just answered me as BANKER, had to reply that I cant believe that a banker can be relied on :-) Sorry don't know if its correct or not
13:48 Sat 30th Oct 2010
Someone has just answered me as BANKER, had to reply that I cant believe that a banker can be relied on :-) Sorry don't know if its correct or not
yes - defn 4 of the 1st sense halfway down the page
Gen 2 has confirmed it as banker
A "sure thing" bet. An almost guaranteed winner.

I suggested banker just because "bank on " means to" rely on" Couldn't think of anything else to fit in

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