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radio time big quiz 2010

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lauradobson | 17:42 Sun 12th Dec 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
i think i have 47 so far but thats as far as ive got. could anyone tell me any of these pictures.

1? the 3 headed man on the left( its not inbetweeners as that is the sign with the 3 trees on it)

2? what the gold rocks in the snow mean

3) the courage sign

does anyone else think that the white steeple above the brady and hewis sign could be whitechapel?

these might not be relevent but hopefully my last 3 are some of them!!


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Do you think the men in and around the straitjacket is Madmen?
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yes i think so, ive been working on it a and bit more yesterday and found the picture online and it is not from any show just a college of random pics so it must be.
If they're yellow and not gold rocks in the snow then I suppose it could, as has been suggested be Over the Rainbow (Follow the Yellow Brick Road).
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thank you mark!
i thought of mad men too - and it has been suggested the courage sign is for rugby union - am stuck with the small gargoyle type creature and the long trail of white wispiness - any ideas anyone

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radio time big quiz 2010

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