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saturday express mensa puzzle 01/01/11

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alison6399 | 17:10 Sat 01st Jan 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers

Please can someone help me solve today's head is throbbiing!!!

A ship is battling against a strong tide to safety. It uses eight gallons of fuel every hour and sails at 16mph in still conditions. The ship is 84 miles from land and the floe
w against it is 7mph. It has 75 gallons of fuel left. How much fule will remain when itv reaches land?

Please explain answer. Thanks


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So... Ok... throw out the stuff we don't need... this ship is making 9mph and will take 9.3 (9 hours and 18 minutes) to complete. At 8 gallons per hour it will use 74.66 gallons, and will have roughly have .4 (4/10ths) of a gallon left...
Isn't it 9hrs 20minutes?
72 plus 8/3 gallons
about a third of a gallon left

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saturday express mensa puzzle 01/01/11

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