Left with the following question - please can you help?
59 The record with the longest playing time to reach number one in British charts
89 In the RAF how many squadrons make up a wing
94 Prince Titi was the nickname of which English king's son
119 who was the first American president to be born after the War of Independence
120 In which year did Eddie Stobart have his first lorry?
132 Which motorway has the longest distance between exit junctions (on same motor way)
141 In which English fire station would you find Europe’s longest fireman’s pole
145 Who was the first living member of the Royal Family to be portrayed on stage
120 = When E P Stobart first opened for business in 1957, it was a small agricultural firm, based in Hesket Newmarket, Cumbria; it sold fertiliser to local farmers, and acquired a handful of lorries in the process.