26. The best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft agley (from Robert Burns "To a mouse"). If they are all so obscure I might as well give up trying to help now!!
You could well be right. Did you have the other quiz from the same source (Anagrams of Birds), there was a mistake on it. You'd think setters would proof read carefully before reproducing quizzes, it certainly makes getting the answers impossible. I've given up thinking and sent mine off.
Lady Mojo. Don't get excited - no more answers. I have spent hours trying and was really excited when I saw you'd got some but you haven't! Will keep on plodding - hate being beaten. Would really like to see the solutions eventually.
Thank you ever so much for remembering Ladymojo. I have kept looking to see if you had got the answers back!!! I don't see how anyone (not even a VERY DRUNK Scot)could have got them. If anyone got them all right and won THEN IT'S A FIX!!! Meet up again soon hopefully